
Session 4: Assignment One Answers

The effective Internet marketing:

The ebay is an effective internet marketing, and that is what I am going to choose. The ebay is for peoples that whose doesn't have a store, and they can sell their own goods to the other, even to the other country. That's like everyone in the whole world can sell their goods if they only just got a computer at home and people also can buy what they want in the computer. How convenient it is ?

The ebay would also think of the protection for the buyer and the seller. It's made the paypal to relate with them. Peoples can use the paypal to pay their bill without any worry of the credit cards will stole by someone.

The ebay also got some forum call my world that everyone can go join in and talk about theproducts and everythings.

1 則留言:

  1. E-bay makes good use of online communities for Internet marketing. These communities allow E-bay traders to meet one another and swap ideas. The communities can also serve as "policemen" who keep peace and order within the eBay community. Aside from online communities, eBay also uses banner ads, RSS feeds, Twitter (http://twitter.com/ebaydailydeal).
